White Square | Белый Квадрат




Advertised product

Charity Fund


This is the first social advertisement for the fund for the elderly created in the language of ... youth. The most unexpected social mockumentary video of 2024 promotes volunteering as an antidepressant for young people. So it used youth style in video, intercuts and even locations. All of the Art Direction was also based on the real characters, helping to channel their style and lives on screen. All the locations, costumes and props were real but were thoroughly curated by the team to create that perfect mix of young and experienced that you rarely see. The goal was to create a space where Baby boomers were seen and valued by Gen-Z’s. The elderly cast was vital and curious so naturally they were interested in hip cafes and art spaces. In the pool vignette this logic was flipped – the young girl found herself in the location where older women are often more common.