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Charity Fund


For the first time, a social project was filmed in the style of contemporary youth brands. Up until the final frames, it is difficult to understand that this is a public service announcement. This is because "Antidepressant" from the Happily Ever After Charity Fund was created to inspire 18-25-year-olds to try communicating with the elderly and find support in their struggles. At the same time, all the insights heard are real problems faced by the characters being filmed. During the script preparation, research and consultations with a psychologist were conducted. Unlike typical advertisements, the voiceover consists of direct quotes. From hours of interviews, quotes were selected and woven into a cohesive storytelling narrative. The personal dialogues of the participants and many other valuable thoughts from the set did not make it into the final edit. The ad touches on themes such as young bloggers' dependence on social media popularity, the difficulties of self-realization (especially when it comes to finding work), the burden of parental expectations, and the need for self-expression. Volunteers have the opportunity to discuss all of these topics with the elderly, which is the core message of the "Antidepressant" project from the Happily Ever After Charity Fund. P.S. Since 2022, the level of anxiety and depression in Russia has been growing rapidly. The most vulnerable age group is those who have not yet turned 35. In the age group from 18 to 24 years, 54% of respondents had depressive symptoms in January, and after March, 77% already had. At the same time, it is known that volunteering is an additional opportunity for self-realization and success of a person. It is noted that a single volunteer participation with a high probability guarantees a return to volunteering within a year. Original copy is in Russian.