White Square | Белый Квадрат



Mom, I'm in a hat

Advertised product

VK ecosystem


25 years have passed since the establishment of Mother's Day in our country. It doesn’t yet have an established tradition of celebrating, so we came up with an entire event marketing campaign “Mom, I’m in a hat” to start a tradition. To do this, we found an insight that is clear and close to everyone: to truly make your mother happy, you need to remember her wise advice and follow them. One of the most popular pieces of advice is related to caring for the health of their child and is expressed by the phrase “Put on a hat!” On the eve of Mother's Day, in popular public places in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we installed a giant hat that everyone could try on, take a photo and send it to your mom. And this was a great reason to congratulate mothers on the holiday! We launched an online campaign in which we encouraged users to take a photo wearing a hat and publish it on their VKontakte page under the hashtag #mamayavshapke. We have developed a limited collection of merch - a hat and a small hat for the phone! We made a merch’s giveaway for participants in offline activities and an online competition. And the drop of a limited collection of merch itself announced the upcoming holiday. In support of the holiday, we made a selection of clips with “mom’s advice” and created a mask in VK Clips - a hat with the inscription #mamayavshapke. Integration into the popular show “KSTATI” with Musagaliev, Kharlamov and Dorokhov. The hosts of the show, wearing hats, announced the holiday, showed that they had heard the advice of their mothers and put on their hats. In support of the holiday, we gave every VKontakte user the opportunity to change the standard application icon to a holiday one. We created online cards with mom's advice; We held an online giveaway for warm hats; We created emoji statuses with a header; Together with clippers we launched the collection “Translator from Mom’s” in VK clips. The art objects literally made all passers-by fall in love with them. VKontakte users published stories and posts with the hashtag #mamayavshapke and sent photos to mothers.