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an interactive stand for the St Petersburg Health Committee at the International Exhibition-Forum "Russia"

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an interactive stand for the St Petersburg Health Committee at the International Exhibition-Forum "Russia"


We had the task to come up with the idea of an interactive stand for the St Petersburg Health Committee during the thematic season called "Health" at the International Exhibition-Forum "Russia". It was necessary to demonstrate the achievements, technology and innovativeness of St Petersburg medicine in a universal form, simultaneously understandable for different audiences (the age of the visitors was from 5 to 85 years old, in addition to the public the stand was visited by business communities and representatives of government agencies). The guests of the stand should not only be impressed by the achievements of St Petersburg medicine, but also think about approaches to their health. The filling of the stand was based on two main insights: 1) Achievements should have been shown in a historical retrospective. The story about the main milestones in the development of St Petersburg healthcare during the XVIII-XX centuries was meant to give visitors the material for comparison and help to evaluate the great importance of the achievements that the city has managed to achieve in the XXI century. 2) Achievements should have been "brought closer" to the visitor with the help of emotional impact. There is a risk that a story about achievements might become just another bureaucratic report for visitors. This could lead to the content being perceived as "white noise". Therefore, the program included interactivity. The key feature of the project was its multiformat nature. The project was multicomponent, including partial stand construction, program script development, video production, branding and design, creation of graphics, animation, software development, work with celebrities, and PR support. We presented the achievements in three formats: - in a historical context; - in the format of interactive; - in the format of a full catalogue. The filling of the stand was implemented in three directions: - Interactive - experience of interaction with the stand filling: VR-glasses with vision loss filters, AR-headphones with simulation of hearing loss stages, check-up of basic health indicators at the reception. Interactive was the closest block to the visitor flow, acting as a "lure" for guests. - Content – video clips on the main screen, floor and sphere that was set up on the entrance. All this created a stylistically integral space: the main video clip about the main achievements, animated pictures-puzzles for visitors. The sphere was the first point of visitors' familiarization with the content. It guided the visitor deep into the booth to the big screen, where the main content was introduced. - Information - two media kiosks: 1) Victoria robot helping to make an appointment with a doctor in one of the clinics presented on an animated map of St Petersburg; 2) catalogue of the main achievements. Detailed immersion was made with the help of digital technologies. Each block of information was delivered through at least two channels. For example, the story about Citrine and Aquamarine lenses was presented on the main screens, while the problematics were presented in the format of VR glasses. The list of stand features: - Electronic catalogue of achievements in the form of a touch panel; - Lending (website): a map of medical institutions with a catalogue of medical fields. By QR code and with the help of Victoria robot it was possible to make an appointment with the necessary specialist (free of charge for two weeks); - An animated map of St Petersburg in fijital format with a size of 6912x1536 (180 degrees). Medical facilities could be seen on a "live" panorama of the city. When interacting with the control console (special decorative-electronic panels created by our designers and programmers), additional information about the facilities appeared on the map. Graphics were developed for the interactive floor with a motion sensor signaling the start of the animation. - Microstories on diode screens about achievements and national projects; - "Development Chronicles" created by AI from the archives of the Military Medical Museum. AI helped to show how hospitals, pharmacies, objects and equipment have changed; - VR-glasses - panorama of St Petersburg through filters of various eye diseases and AR-headphones demonstrating various hearing impairments (developed together with specialized doctors); - Interactive zone: medical check-up for visitors; - Peter the Great's art object made of surgical devices (attracted not only visitors, but also the media. After the exhibition it was transferred to the Museum of Hygiene of St Petersburg); - Events with celebrities (famous doctors and media personalities); - Daily master classes for children on the work of the medical room, "appendix removal" and art therapy sessions. For adults - educational quizzes, first aid master classes, morning gymnastics, afternoon zumba and evening classes with fitness elastic bands. - Contests and souvenirs for the visitors of different ages. Total: half of all visitors of the exhibition spent time at the stand of St Petersburg (about 7500 thousand visitors/day). 141 publications with the right key messages were published in the media.