White Square | Белый Квадрат



Mom, I'm in a hat

Advertised product

VK ecosystem


Mother's Day in Russia has been celebrated since 1998 on the last Sunday of November. This holiday is especially loved by different generations of the country's inhabitants, but its popularity and recognition are not high enough. That's why we came up with an entire event marketing campaign to start such a tradition. To begin with, we found an insight that was clear and close to everyone: to make mother happy, we need to remember her wise advice and follow them. One of the most popular pieces of advice from mothers is related to caring for the health of their child and is expressed by the phrase “Put on a hat!” The event was built on the basis of a non-standard art object - a giant warm knitted hat, which any passerby could “try on,” take a “photo in the hat” and send it to his mother. Project participants received warm prizes, original photographs and online postcards. The project “Mom, I’m in a hat” is a great reason to say that everything is fine with you, to congratulate and thank your mother. The project was supported by the hosts of the show “KSTATI” and a large number of communities on the social network. For those who did not have the opportunity to take a photo with a big hat: - We created online cards with mom's advice; - We held an online drawing for warm hats; - Created an emoji status with a header; - Together with clippers we launched the collection “Translator from Mom’s” in VK clips. Thus, this event marketing campaign involved a wide pool of tools - media, PR, SMM, digital, promo and social marketing with the event part at the center of the project. We managed to engage the audience in communication in a non-standard way for the category and receive millions of views: • More than 13 million coverage on social networks (VK Holidays VKontakte community) and more than 56 thousand SI; • More than 12 million views of the show “KSTATI”; • More than 8 thousand publications from #mamayavshapke - stories and posts from UGC VKontakte; • More than 3 thousand participants in the giveaway of hats online and offline (300 owners of warm hats for themselves and their phone); • More than 1,3 thousand installations of VKontakte emoji status; • More than 7,2 million views of content in VK Clips and over 145 thousand ratings in VK Clips; • 19 publications in the media, OTS - more than 3,5 million potential contacts; • More than 50 thousand people offline coverage. Our campaign has become one of the brightest ways to celebrate Mother's Day and congratulate mothers. The attention of users and the media, the amount of UGC, views, contacts and coverage confirm its effectiveness.