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Insight Icebreaker

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«Insight Icebreaker» is Rosatom's largest media B2C project for teenagers, consisting of a nationwide competition and an expedition to the North Pole.


It turned out to be an extra challenge to make the expedition participants fall in love with the State Corporation, despite the fact that the values and activities of the company are as far as possible from the interests and understanding of teenagers. That's why we decided to create three tracks: Scientific track — for the native promotion of scientific developments of the company; Art track — for learning to present scientific knowledge through the language of art; Media track — for developing skills to promote ideas on the web. Out of that we created the main idea of the project: «The Insight Icebreaker — is a unique scientific journey to the top of the planet. A place where all the meridians converge, and science and art are united in order to create the image of the Arctic 2.0. In 10 days teenagers from different parts of Russia, future scientists and researchers, will turn into visionaries and designers of the future».