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The Sidorovs: the first sitcom based on a neural network script

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The first Russian sitcom Sidorovs was written by a neural network created by students from the Skillbox educational platform - for its training, the authors used popular comedy series from the CTC TV channel


A lot of EdTech platforms that provide training in various trades have appeared on the market in recent years. How can one select a popular profession and the best educational product in the industry? In 2022, Skillbox's «Data Scientist» program students developed a neural network A.I. TV script generator. They trained it on the STS’s rating TV series and got the script of Russia’s first sitcom written by a neural network — «Sidorovs». Based on this scenario, STS filmed the series with TV channel stars and open casting participants. The neural network has learned to independently generate the basic structural elements of the scenario: time and place of action, names of characters, dialogues and even emotions. The plot is based on the story of the average Sidorovs family. They live as typical characters of sitcoms: fight, joke, solve everyday problems. But at some point, Dad notes that the surrounding reality is strange: they cannot leave the apartment and constantly hear a laugh track. Sidorov then realizes that they are all characters in the sitcom and decides to get out of it. Sidorov then realizes that they are all characters in the sitcom and decides to get out of it. The innovative student project for the CTC TV Channel immediately caught the attention of the global media. The project was actively discussed by the professional community and was selected for the film festival «Pilot» program. After that «Sidorovs» became the most expected premiere on Kinopoisk. The first test of a neuropen by students of Skillbox and СТС TV Channel won the sympathy of critics and viewers. The sitcom premiered on the VK Video platform collected more than 2 000 000 views and hundreds of positive comments. Skillbox branded search grew by 50%. IT programming became the most popular course among users in 2022, and students of the platform gave interviews to the media and received job offers of cooperation from large IT companies.