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Rebranding and website for beeline cloud — a cloud provider that preserves your most valuable assets

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beeline cloud


beeline cloud is a cloud provider with reliable Tier III data centers and dedicated communication channels. The company has been around for more than 20 years, but recently became part of beeline and has undergone a new round of growth and development. Its main competitors are other providers that offer companies the infrastructure to securely store data in the cloud. The company's updated communications needed to help it clearly differentiate itself, attract new customers, and ultimately grow its market share. The redesign concept was called "preserving the most valuable. We compared the value of data to works of art, and cloud storage was a reliable way to preserve them, and had it come along sooner, we could have saved many lost works. The cloud could have saved the books of the Library of Alexandria from disappearing, saved masterpieces from centuries past from vandals, and saved important files from being lost or damaged. We visually conveyed the process of "digital transformation" using elements of ASCII graphics, including the steps of capturing objects and people, creating 3D models, and the important step of involving front-end developers. Through these activities, ASCII's employee portraits and digital artwork have become an integral part of the website and corporate communications. "In the 2 months since the release, the company's website has been visited by 21,790 users and the total reach of the communication about the provider's rebranding was 300+ thousand views. According to a client on the beeline cloud site: While working on our communication, you developed a visual concept, a new corporate identity and ideas that formed the basis of our positioning. All of this allows us to occupy our niche in the market, clearly distinguish ourselves from our competitors, stand out and take a strong and prominent place among the players in our industry.