White Square | Белый Квадрат



Wellbee as a bee

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Wellbee создает линейку продуктов на основе пчелиного прополиса в биодоступной водорастворимой форме. Главное, что нам нужно было сделать, — это задать новый стандарт, подходящий для современных активных людей. Wellbee is creating a line of products based on a bee-glue in a bioavailable water-soluble form. The main thing we had to do was to set a new standard, suitable for modern active people. For the visual design of the brand, we used shapes that refer to the appearance of honeycombs and the fluidity of honey, but look more abstract and modern than the usual images of honeycombs and honey. We created two types of packaging - regular and a gift. Both packages, due to the calm fonts, the use of only two colors on each of them and the minimalistic design. We made an original design for gift packaging in the shape of opening bee wings - a direct reference to bee-glue as the main ingredient of the cream. The tubes were decorated in different colors: the regular one in white, the gift tube in gold.