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Exodus 20: short fashion film in the genre of historical drama

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LO is a Russian women's clothing brand


The great-grandfather of the main heroine (actress Yulia Romashina) - allegedly a war hero, never fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. In the 1930s-40s, he served as the chief of a camp on the Solovetsky Islands. On his hands is the blood of thousands of prisoners shot at the Sandarmokh cemetery in the Karelian forests. The heroine cannot and does not want to continue living with this truth. With her daughter (actress Ksenia Kuleeva), she goes to Kem to find confirmation or refute this terrible article from an old newspaper from 1935. This frenzied pursuit of truth, the li"le daughter Sonia cannot understand or comprehend. The complex relationship of the li"le daughter with her mother exacerbates the drama of the film.