White Square | Белый Квадрат



HR swag for Rostelecom

Advertised product

Rostelecom’s HR brand


Rostelecom has revamped its HR strategy. Our task was to turn each branded item into a medium for communicating the brand’s realigned values, a relevant and powerful tool that can help transform a workforce into a team. The key idea was that company swag would be used as yet another kind of marketing collateral communicating Rostelecom’s visual identity that had been introduced for HR communications. It was supposed to build on the company’s HR strategy. And, of course, our aim was to make sure that each item is perfect for everyday comfort. When we worked on the merchandise, we applied a holistic approach: for example, when we were exploring the prints to use on clothing items, we also experimented with garment design by mixing and matching fabrics of different colours. If we decided on a single-colour item, we would top it off with accents: doodles, illustrations and text lines. The item’s visual appeal is supported by its feel — we sourced top-quality safe materials for the items we included in our collection. To make a subtle yet strong connection with Rostelecom, and also to make sure the brand’s name is visible at all times, the collection extensively uses branded trims. As the result, we created a company merchandise collection where each piece is both a medium that communicates company narratives and an item that people love to use.