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New Year’s gifts for Partners


The end of year is the season of deadlines. Deadlines are lurking around every corner: you feel like you are running on a tight schedule with your daily life and your work, you find yourselves constantly catching up on all kinds of meetings and last-minute shopping for presents. You need to complete all of these things before the New Year – as if it was the last day of your life. So, is it goodbye to the holiday spirit? This is exactly what made us come up with our Deadline Box! It is a New Year’s gift from our Agency to our clients that is truly an eye-opener: chasing deadlines and staying up late is not the best way to stay on top of things! What we propose is you put your deadlines on hold and focus on regaining your balance and sleeping well. And then you’ll be able to catch up on things that really matter! The unique packaging solution that we created specifically for this project turned into an independent creative element of the gift that helps pick up the message at a glance. The contents of the gift box are united by the general idea of replenishing one’s resources and regaining inner balance to make sure that no deadline can steal your calm. The gift set includes a bluetooth pillow speaker and incense sticks with a burner.