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How Samokat and "Friday" handed out cyberpancakes in Roblox on Maslenitsa

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Samokat – online store of products


In February 2023, Samokat was tasked with attracting young people to the service. In collaboration with the TV channel "Friday!" Samokat combined delicious traditions with new technologies and held Maslenitsa in the Roblox metaverse. A virtual fairground with attractions, contests, scarecrow and cyberpancakes was created for the project. The space was decorated with the "Samokat" branding. And inside the location users could participate in traditional winter fun with the opportunity to collect cyberpancakes and get a promo code for purchases in Samokat. With the help of the project, people were given an immersive experience that allowed to bring the audience to a new level of interaction with the brand. Thanks to working with the young segment of TA through gamification, we have achieved excellent results and exceeded the KPIs. The TV coverage of TA aged 25-55 amounted to more than 6.8 million people (+48% to the TV placement plan). The total amount of transitions to the metaverse "Maslenitsa on Friday" is 56 thousand people, of which 13.2 thousand played the game, which is more than 7 times bigger than the plan (the plan is 1.7 thousand). The conversion rate for involvement in the game was 24% with a planned indicator of 1-3%. Most of the users played from the phone — 70.8%, and from the computer — 17.7%. The average time in the game from the computer was almost six minutes, from the phone — five minutes. Users who activated the game collected 500 thousand digital pancakes.