Context: Domestic violence is a growing phenomenon in Romania. Almost 1 in 4 Romanian women are held captive in abusive relationships, unable to escape or to tell friends and family. The biggest contributor to this dire reality is a critical lack of information. Romanian women are not sufficiently exposed to stories of abuse and have no warning when entering abusive relationships. Those who are already captive in one lack the key notions of how to approach authorities, how to defend their rights, and how to escape successfully. They are in dire need of both psychological and legal counselling. Idea: What if the actual media could suffer what abused women suffer to raise awareness to the domestic violence pandemic. We decided to team up with Romania's leading radio stations and hold them captive by ANAIS Association, the leading local NGO fighting against domestic violence, to raise awareness to the plight of Romanian women captive in abusive relationships. The entire stream from both KISS FM and MAGIC FM was transformed in content against domestic abuse. Every single media piece fell captive to ANAIS: the radio promos, the liners, the social media ads, the guests, and, last but not least, the music. Actual testimonies from survivors of abusive relationship helped by ANAIS inspired customized songs as five different Romanian artists volunteered to create original songs based on testimonies from actual victims: Norya, Lucia, Alma Nicole, Rockabella, and Alexandra Stan - who is also a domestic violence survivor. The entire content on both stations became a marathon featuring real survival stories. The WhatsApp numbers of the radio stations became a helpline for abused women in need for help. The legal and psychology consultants from ANAIS answered everyone's questions in real time. We even created a survival kit to help those captive in toxic relationships and presented it live. KISS FM and MAGIC FM became, thus, The Captive Radio, live on both stations simultaneously. To underline the feeling of captivity for the listeners, both stations were held captive simultaneously: when one switched stations, one encountered the same hijacking. According to the latest Radio Audience Survey in May 2023, KISS FM is the most popular radio station in Romania with over 2.2m listeners and a 10.7 market share in 2023. MAGIC FM is also very popular with a daily reach of 810,400. The two stations were the perfect channels to spread essential information to women who are captive in abusive relationships. Radio doesn’t require sophisticated receivers, it covers the entire Romanian territory for both urban and rural audiences and the stations also broadcast online. Results: Over 3.5 million Romanians listened to The Captive Radio and the local media applauded the bold initiative and KISS FM and MAGIC FM registered peak audiences during the duration of The Captive Radio. But the most important result was opening a nation-wide conversation about an important topic left unheard for far too long. For the first time, Romanian women’s rights became a primetime topic outside of International Women’s Day, while ANAIS benefited from a surge in donations during and after the campaign. Silviu Faiăr, Romania’s top influencer for Generation Z also covered the campaign pro bono on his show on Twitch and so did other top influencers. All the original songs were promoted via a playlist on Spotify, which reached Romanians thanks to a media budget donated by our media sponsor: Http by Aleph. Spotify results as received from Http by Aleph: we doubled Romanian benchmarks for two ad formats: (audio everywhere format - 0.31% vs 0.26% and leaderboard - 0.06% vs 0.03%)