White Square | Белый Квадрат



Not Very Sweet

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"Not Very Sweet" unveils how the underdog brand 'Delight' shapes a purpose-driven narrative in the dominated Cultured Yogurt landscape, leveraging the Thai cultural insight that "True Care Doesn't Sugar-Coat.” Reflecting the Thai cultural nuances where genuine care is expressed plainly in closer relationships, the campaign captures the essence that, without sweet talks, lies a profound sense of care, fostering the best in others. The creative idea, “Not Very Sweet but Full of Love,” aligns with this cultural insight and Delight's hero product, boasting probiotic care with only 0.1% sugar. The film features relatable characters of friends and family communicating in a blunt, seemingly indifferent tone, initially creating an impression of carelessness. However, their words carry genuine care and love. While the exaggeration, yet surprising ending truly illustrates the depths one goes to express care for another – a clever usage of Thai humor that touches the laugh and the heart.