White Square | Белый Квадрат



Mistral: Don’t EVER think about buckwheat

Advertised product



Our targets are to drive consumers to purchase Mistral and build strong emotional connections with the brand. The point is, some part of the target audience (TA) thinks that the package of buckwheat sometimes costs too much. Besides, there is another important thing. As the Russians love buckwheat and buy it quite often, it’s hard to build a connection between commodity products and the brand in a consumer's mind. As a result, many brands drive sales not through awareness and image but through price undercut. But that’s not true about Mistral. Our video is the one and only case of premium advertising for buckwheat in Russia. There were no global projects to refer to as buckwheat isn’t popular abroad. Therefore, other brands may take our case as a reference in the future. It solves a complex task as we promoted the product that is difficult to associate with a brand and that hardly inspires TA to overpay. In our commercial we avoided traditional cues: there are no mayo family shots, no countryside in the background and no Russian tales cliche like competitors do. We employed the "reverse psychology" method instead. From the very first frames, the background voice tells the audience to give up any thoughts about buckwheat causing a reverse effect. And that was no-working because viewers can’t stop to think about Mistral! The advertising campaign lasted for 4 months. We used the following communication channels: TVC, OLV, radio, retail and outdoor and even Aeroflot airplane seat screens! Because for russians buckweat is a thing to missing out till they’re abroad! Campaign results: KPI was exceeded! Market share increased to 13.5% in RUR and 8.5% in kilo. Despite the declining buckwheat, market Mistral retained the top position increasing sales volume by 22%. Overall campaign coverage across all channels reached 30 million households.