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Stroki by MTS


Stroki is an application for online reading of books, comics and manga. The MTS Stroki book service is a progressive digital product, prides itself on its exclusives and promotes modern formats and genres, not limiting itself to classical literature trends. In this context, it was necessary to draw attention to the release of a new book, which appeared exclusively on our service for the first time. We decided that the emergence of the book should be an event as big as the release of the long-awaited film. Therefore, we decided to take a format that is obligatory for promoting film projects - a trailer - and adapt it to our purposes. But how to make such a trailer when there is only the text of the book itself? Here the capabilities of neural networks came to help. We used the text of the new book as a prompt for Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. We spent long time and gradually generated a general visual style, frame compositions, space architecture, appearance of characters, color and light. Everything that is carefully done on the set of a film, we achieved only by selecting the suitable requests.