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The magic of the future in your pocket — Zvuk HiFi Streaming has updated the app

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Zvuk HiFi Streaming App


The idea of the project is to update the Zvuk HiFi Streaming app, reimagining the user's relationship with music. The Zvuk team has set a new standard in music consumption, combining a high-quality user experience with recommendation technology. HiFi-streaming has updated the app and completely changed the interface: it has become more convenient by reducing the number of sections from five to three. The service found that a large number of sections could confuse users, with section names not always clearly indicating the content. The new structure consists of 'Broadcast' (Эфир), 'Overview' (Обзор), and 'Collection' (Коллекция). These were created based on user requests and the principle of 'Zvuk is unique for everyone' (Zvuk means Sound in Russian) The smart, personalized Zvuk, using artificial intelligence algorithms, will suggest what to listen to at a given moment, taking into account the user's unique preferences, context, and even mood. If a user wants music curated by experts, they can go to the editorial selections in 'Overview'. 'Overview' offers simple and quick navigation through the catalog and showcases the diversity of content and selections, such as music, audiobooks, podcasts, and audio guides on various topics. The 'Search' feature is also located here. 'Broadcast' is the most innovative section of the streaming service. It is designed to predict personal wishes with the help of AI and provide the most relevant content with minimal actions. Included in 'Broadcast' is the 'Power of Zvuk' (Сила Звука) — an endless music stream that adapts to each listener: it considers their interests, tastes, and even context. Interaction with 'The Power of Zvuk' is like conversing with a person: the wave understands and feels, remaining unique for everyone thanks to AI technologies that ensure a variety of tracks and scenarios based on the user's desires and requests. Additionally, the Zvuk team has completely revised the 'Collection' section to reduce the steps a user takes within the app before starting to listen. In 'Collection', which can be customized, all the user's favorite and valuable content is stored in a convenient format. For example, you can create your own audiobook shelf. Moreover, 'Collection' gathers all the artists, playlists, and albums the listener liked, and even the history of requests by 'Catcher' (Ловец) — a feature that can identify a track playing nearby by an audio fragment. To add content to 'Collection' immediately, just press the '+' button in the player. Today, with the updated Zvuk app, a person can manage their mood and productivity and broaden their horizons.