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Kandinsky – Sber’s AI image creator


INSIGHT: Kandinsky is one of the most famous visual neural networks on the Russian market. The penetration level of neural networks in the Russian market is high, but limited to large cities and the IT sector, where the level of digitalization is already high. In 2023, Sber decided to expand the geography and demographics of users and show a wider audience what Kandinsky is capable of. Most users of AI image creators use them for entertainment rather than for solving important problems. It was important for Sber to show that Kandinsky’s functions are sufficient for truly socially significant purposes, such as preserving the culture and history of the country. IDEA: During the Second World War, a collection of works of art was lost in the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. Only text descriptions of the paintings remain in the museum archives. They describe in detail the plots, compositions, objects and colors of the lost paintings. In the year of the museum’s 90th anniversary, Sber restored the images of the missing paintings using Kandinsky. IMPLEMENTATION: At the start of the project, 14 iconic works from the missing collection were selected. Then Kandinsky AI studied the styles of the authors of the lost paintings using examples of surviving works. After that, the specialists adapted the archival records to the format of Kandinsky requests (prompts). As a result, hundreds of generated versions of each picture were made by AI. Art experts at the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy chose those that most closely match the artists' styles. The most successful ones turned into the final 14 paintings, which became the REV-AI-VED ART project. The audience can see the REV-AI-VED ART in the 3D gallery on the project website and in the Voronezh Museum in augmented reality (AR) format. The project was first announced at the largest IT conference AIJ in November 2023, which was attended by more than 3,000 people in 3 days, and viewed online by more than 50,000,000. An interactive 3D website was launched simultaneously with the opening of an offline exhibition at the Voronezh Museum. A press announcement was made about the opening of the exhibition; the project was covered on the federal channel NTV, more than 180 media outlets wrote about it: Channel One, RBC, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russia 1, RT, RIA Novosti, TASS, Vesti, newspaper "Culture", portal Sostav, VC.ru, telegram channels Russian marketing, Well done Sagittarius, Today in trend, Gods of marketing, Creative with an asterisk. The total reach of the campaign was 70,000,000 people; more than 600,000 unique users visited the project website. The exhibition at the Voronezh Regional Art Museum was visited by 55,000 people (which is 40% higher than the usual customer flow). On March 31, 2024, in the first spring game of the “What? Where? When?" TV-program three paintings from the project’s collection were shown, and a question was asked from a native of Kazakhstan, Kuralai Isa. REV-AI-VED ART project is a unique use of artificial intelligence for the purpose of preserving and restoring cultural heritage - AI is used to create virtual replicas based on text descriptions from the archives of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. The use of artificial intelligence allows us to imagine what the lost masterpieces of great artists, forever lost in reality, might look like, and tell a wide audience about it. Thus, Sber helps preserve the past with the help of future technologies.