White Square | Белый Квадрат



MTS — Coeval

Advertised product

MTS is an advanced ecosystem of digital products that creates products in many categories of presence: MTS Live ticket aggregator, Kion online cinema, Stroki book reader service, MTS Exolve cloud communications platform, MTS Travel hotel booking service a


In 2023, MTS turned 30 years old. In honor of the anniversary, in addition to the 360-degree coverage campaign, an animated video was created in which we told how much the company has grown and changed, having gone from a mobile operator to a digital ecosystem, and what impact it had on our daily lives. The project was created by Mosaic Agency and Petrick Creative Studio in collaboration with several animation production studios. The creative idea of the project is to compare the development of the brand and the life formation of the lyrical hero, the boy Anton, who is the same age as the MTS brand. The use of an animation form to convey the brand's history has allowed us to create unique entertainment content that also contains cultural value. The plot covers 4 different periods (90s, 00s, 10th, 20th), transmitted taking into account cultural and historical features, which creates a special mood and allows viewers to plunge into the atmosphere of the past. A creative approach in the performance of the video is to change the animation style, each of which is also associated with a separate decade: from consoles with yellow cartridges, push-button phones, cell phones in the hands of schoolchildren to modern gadgets and services. In parallel, in the course of the plot, constantly developing MTS products are natively integrated into the life of the hero, so that viewers feel connected to the brand through familiar references and nostalgic details of different times that they found together. We also enhanced the nostalgic effect of the cartoon by adding a unique sound design to it. The musical accompaniment was filled with references typical of a particular era – ringtones, music tracks and game sounds. During the transition from one era to another, we also changed the format, from square to horizontal.