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Good Enough Mother: The Exclusive Brand-Integrated Broadcast format

Advertised product

Subbota! TV channel, Ozon, Ismigen


"Good Enough Mother" - This is a branded content program, typically running for up to 3 minutes, designed in collaboration with a brand to address specific client goals. The aim is to counteract the common perception that motherhood programs are dull and often leave mothers feeling inadequate. Our goal is to alleviate anxiety and emphasize that feeling tired is normal. The key is knowing how to take care of oneself. The “Dostatochno Horoshaya mat “ project, created in partnership with Ozon and Sotex brands, featured hosts Irena Ponaroshku and Elena Kuletskaya. It consisted of 18 episodes on Subbota! TV channel, 10 of them were developed in collaboration with the brand Ozon, and 6 in partnership with the brand Sotex. Each program addressed a specific, relevant topic for every mother: attitudes towards gadgets, spending quality time with children, sharing responsibilities with a partner, etc. 

The key focus of our programs is the language used - it's light, humorous, and engaging. On the channel, the hosts shared their experiences of honest motherhood, and brand integrations were seamless and engaging.