In 2023, the Yota company changed positioning strategy and began to focus on a new target audience. The brand's great ambition was to «Become the No. 1 choice for young people». The main creative frame was under the line «Everyone can express themselves with Yota» — the company became the one who said: «YOU CAN» do whatever you want. YOTABUS — a branded bus became a part of campaign, in which we first distributed T-shirts and SIM-cards, and then made an art attempt on it. The daring line «Is it allowed?», which was spray-painted right on the bus by an unknown artist, attracted a lot of attention. To say «YOU CAN» we offered the creators to draw on the bus anything they want. Finally, the famous artist Max13 combined all the art into a common concept — YOTABUS became an art object. We have collected 1.5 million viral coverage, more than 1,500 reposts, 10 artists who participated in the project, 15 thousand interactions and 15.5 million total coverage. The most significant result is that our participants and observers now associate each of their little «I can do it» with Yota.