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“Stranger Scenes”: The Series of Stories in the Tinkoff Banking App

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Tinkoff Fuel is a lifestyle service provided by Tinkoff that allows for touch-free refuelling as one of the features of the banking app.


“Stranger Scenes” is a series of Stories inside the Tinkoff mobile app. As the characters found themselves in funny situations, the show introduced users to the Fuel service and highlighted its benefits. The product itself was the main driving force behind the plot — the main character had a need to refuel his car in each episode. We also included a nice bonus offer of 10% cashback for the first refuel. Thanks to the cinema-level content and recognizable characters played by celebrities Evgeny Chebatkov and Anton Lapenko, the series was not seen as advertising. Users were becoming engaged and followed the storyline that we used to tell the audience about the service. We decided to use Stories in the Tinkoff banking app as our main media channel. The major advantage of this approach was the ability to target the correct audience (car owners) with 100% accuracy based on the users’ spending history. In order to boost audience engagement further, we launched an external promo in the form of cinematic trailers with links that led directly to our banking app. As a result, the creative format of a sitcom aired in Stories inside the app performed on the level of performance marketing. We saw a 2% uplift in sales in the Fuel service (at 1% planned), while our plan for attracting new customers was exceeded by 433%. In addition, our campaign directed the users’ attention to another product of the Tinkoff ecosystem — Tinkoff Travel. It produced an extra cross-selling effect: 643 ticket purchases and hotel bookings.