White Square | Белый Квадрат



MTS — Coeval

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An 85-second animated video dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the brand.


In 2023, MTS turned 30 years old. In honor of the anniversary, an animated video was created that showed how much the company had grown and changed, going from a mobile operator to a digital ecosystem, and what impact it had on our daily lives. The creative concept is based on the analogy between two peers - a brand and a person, who have grown and developed together for more than a quarter of a century. Their development is shown through the change of animation stylistics: pixel style for childhood in the 90s, Nickelodeon cartoon style for teenagers in the 00s, anime for the student period and first work in the 10s, and, finally, 3D to reflect our days. We faced a difficult task - to achieve visual integrity of each of the four styles. This had to be done not only in the design of the hero, in the environment, but also in animation - approaches are transformed and change stylistically, echoing the changes in the character. A distinctive feature of this video was the participation of several leading animation studios in Russia, each working in its own style. The collaboration of 4 large teams of artists and animators helped to implement the project at a high technical level in a short time.