White Square | Белый Квадрат



Moscow makes not only an impression.

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The Creative vision of Moscow’s Investment and Industrial Politics Department; based on this strategy, the creative notion “Moscow makes not only an impression” was developed. It is the first flight’s solution of the campaign — perceiving Moscow as


The Creative vision “Moscow makes not only an impression” shatters stereotypes of the capital, showing its industrial power in contrast to the entourage and amusement. — instead of conservative, one-sided statements — a humane, open dialogue; — instead of numbers pressing — astonishment and a “wow-effect”: is Moscow so powerful industrially?!; — instead of a cold and separate clerical tone — a modern tone, wordplay (a direct dialogue on stereotypes and facts), warmth and topics that citizens are interested in; — instead of remaining advertising media — integration into urban area (wide-format outdoor advertising media, Smolensky bridge, main buildings’ fronts — “Oktyabr” cinema, “Dom knigi” at Novy Arbat Street, Moscow City buildings and so on).