White Square | Белый Квадрат



Moscow makes not only an impression.

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The Creative vision of Moscow’s Investment and Industrial Politics Department; based on this strategy, the creative notion “Moscow makes not only an impression” was developed. It is the first flight’s solution of the campaign — perceiving Moscow as


The Creative vision of Moscow’s Investment and Industrial Politics Department; based on this strategy, the creative notion “Moscow makes not only an impression” was developed. It is the first flight’s solution of the campaign — perceiving Moscow as an industrial region. The communication strategy “Moscow makes not only an impression” shatters stereotypes of the capital, showing its industrial power in contrast to the entourage and amusement. — instead of conservative, one-sided statements — a humane, open dialogue; — instead of numbers pressing — astonishment and a “wow-effect”: is Moscow so powerful industrially?!; — instead of a cold and separate clerical tone — a modern tone, wordplay (a direct dialogue on stereotypes and facts), warmth and topics that citizens are interested in; — instead of remaining advertising media — integration into urban area (wide-format outdoor advertising media, Smolensky bridge, main buildings’ fronts — “Oktyabr” cinema, “Dom knigi” at Novy Arbat Street, Moscow City buildings and so on).