White Square | Белый Квадрат



MTS – Coeval

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An 85-second animated video celebrating the brand's 30th anniversary.


MTS turned 30 in 2023, and to celebrate the occasion, an animated video was created where the main character, Anton, represents the company's journey. The video depicts Anton's life as he grows and changes alongside MTS. When creating the video, we wanted to show how the visual language has developed over time. We chose four different styles to represent different stages of Anton's life: pixel animation for his childhood in the 90s, Nickelodeon-style cartoons for his teenage years in the 00s, anime for his student years and first job in the 10s, and 3D animation to reflect his current days. We faced a difficult task — to achieve visual integrity in each of the four styles. Not only did we need to design Anton in each style, but we also had to create a consistent environment and animation. The animation techniques and styles changed as Anton grew and developed, mirroring his evolution. A notable aspect of this video is the involvement of several leading animation studios in Russia, each having worked in their own style. The cooperation of 4 significant teams of artists and animators facilitated the successful completion of the project within a short period of time, ensuring a high level of technical excellence.