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Journey to Yourself

Advertised product

S7 Airlines


How well do we really know ourselves? Every day, we perform the same actions and entertain the same thoughts. But where in this endless stream can we pause for a moment to talk to ourselves? The answer is travel. It has always been important to us not only to fly but also to inspire our passengers to pursue their happiness. The "Journey to Yourself" campaign was created to inspire people to journey not just to new places, but to discover their true selves in the whisper of a morning forest or the roar of a sea storm. Our message was conveyed with care through the song "Nobody Likes to Be Alone" by Sirotkin and rapper Feduk, which we used in a touching music video that encourages everyone to embark on the most important journey of their lives. The video tells the story of a girl who decides to veer off her usual path and, despite her fears and doubts, pursues her bold dream of becoming a pilot. The reaction from the audience was astonishing: people found new meanings and rhymes that resonated with their own feelings and state of mind. They felt personal support akin to a therapeutic effect. We turned stills from the video into postcards that helped passengers ask themselves the right questions and learn something new about themselves. These postcards with their responses could be sent to their home address so that upon returning, they could remember the discoveries made on their journey. On the back of the postcard there was a QR code leading to an article about the campaign in Gate 7 media. On social networks, the brand held a joint competition with the Sirotkin group and "Power of the Wind" which provided the campaign with additional coverage. The video was supported by media outlets and influencers, garnering over 5 million views and nearly 18 million in overall campaign reach. But the most important outcome for us has been touching the hearts of people who have responded to our message. Journey to yourself. S7 Airlines.