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Comprehensive rebrand of OTVETDESIGN communications agency

Advertised product

OTVETDESIGN communications agency


A comprehensive self-marketing project by Otvetdesign that included repositioning and rebranding. The idea of unwavering plasticity became the backbone of the new positioning. The ambitious approach that is part of the Agency’s DNA was enriched with the idea of flexibility. OTVETDESIGN is ready for any challenge a project may bring and any new perspective it may offer — as long as it helps unleash the fierce creativity we are buzzing with. To let this limitless power run wild and turn it into creative action — this is what matters more than ambition. We succeed with soft power. And our commitment to flexibility is as solid as rock. The new visual identity follows up on the positioning that effectively recalibrates our approach to what we do. It was epitomized in a design system based on variability and flexibility, with smooth and fluid shapes that perfectly capture the idea that our creative solutions are as nimble as quicksilver. They can mold themselves into any form and shape required by the client brief. They can transform and develop into new solutions. The graphic images turn into a metaphor of the brand’s essence. It is flexible, fluid and adaptable; it possesses a unique variability that is essential to the success of any project where branding is involved, such as creating company merchandise, managing brand image communications or social media efforts. The metaphor of superfluidity became the main motion graphics and 3D modeling device. The metal shapes of various objects follow the fluid dynamics. And the objects that we would instinctively define as soft suddenly turn out to be harder than tungsten. This device is also widely used for merchandise customisation, such as in flexible metal strings or liquid brand patterns on textiles. Each member of our team literally turns into an ambassador of the revamped brand. The idea epitomized by the new positioning became the backbone of our digital marketing campaign that included banners and contextual advertising.