

The Goatiful Launch of Kozel in Romania

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Kozel Beer


This is the first launch of a global beer brand which introduced a new word in the Romanian language - "Goatiful!" - as well as Romania’s first four-legged influencer. Kozel is the most loved Czech beer worldwide. We were briefed to launch it on the Romanian market and make it popular, overnight. In a nutshell, our objective was to establish as „cool” a brand that Romanians had, basically, no clue about. As Kozel means „Goat” in Czech, we created a brand new word in Romanian language – „Goatiful!” as a catchy synonym for „Cool!”. And sent Olda, our brewery goat, on a trip to Romania to spread the word everywhere. Our four-legged influencer spread the new word everywhere. And we do mean everywhere. He was a co-anchorman on the Sports News. Then, he stormed the Weather News. He competed in Romania’s leading stand-up comedy talent show. He chilled with celebrities at afternoon shows. He proceeded to ambush Pavlu, Romania’s favourite tough guy actor, challenged him to a staring contest and won. He then broke into Spike's, Romania’s hottest Rap star, recording studio and jammed together yet more clues about the big launch. Romania’s biggest vlogger, Mircea Bravo, pranked his grandma live, claiming it’s his new pet. All the clues led people to a giant Trojan Goat placed in the North of Bucharest which displayed the campaign hashtag #SomethingGoatifulIsComing. And on G-Day, the day of the big launch, we revealed a pub inside the Trojan Goat, serving Kozel, the greatest Czech beer of all times. Everywhere our goat went, viewers learnt that something Goatiful is coming. Clues about the big launch were dropped across various quirky interactions with other two-legged influencers online. This is the first launch of a global beer brand which introduced a new word in Romanian and Romania’s first four-legged influencer. In a country of just 19m people, we reached Goatiful heights: 8.2m total Reach, 4.9m views on YouTube and Facebook. Kozel was the most searched beer brand according to Google Trends. And the stock for the entire summer was sold out in the first month. But, most importantly the Romanian language got a new word: "Goatiful!" that Romanians can now use to reference their new favourite beer.