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Educational platform


The #LIFEAFTER project is a Skillbox social initiative that could help prisoners get modern and relevant education. 58% of prisoners after leaving prison experience difficulties with resocialization and return back to places of detention within six months after release. What exactly can help them in rebuilding their life? Education that will allow them to get a new digital profession – and radically change their lives. That is why Skillbox created a new educational initiative – and was the first to issue grants for the education of prisoners and former prisoners. To draw attention to the project, it was important for us to start a discussion in the society. We decided to change the taboo nature of the topic and the negative attitude towards the problem of prisoners with the help of evidence that a more modern education and skills contribute to the successful process of resocialization. To do this, we shot a documentary film about the participants of the test group. It showcased their positive experiences and became an illustration for the announcement of the campaign in the media and social networks. where they talked about the project, raised the problem of resocialization, and published the stories of its heroes. The second stage of the project was the publication of a study on the learning outcomes of the grantees, scaling up the public discussion. As part of the #LIFEAFTER project, a landing page was also launched, where anyone could get comprehensive information about its mission, as well as apply for a grant for education. The result of the campaign exceeded our expectations – a new niche and the proposed solution to an acute social problem resonated within the society and led to the law introduced by the Ministry of Justice on opening up the Internet in colonies for online learning. Publications in the media, shares by bloggers generated higher reach and interest. But most importantly, we were able to reach all audiences of the campaign. More than 150 applications were received from the colonies in the Leningrad, Tver and Tomsk regions, NGOs and human rights activists. We were able to implement online education on the territory of the women's correctional colony No.7 in the Lipetsk region.