White Square | Белый Квадрат




White Square, one of the recognized festivals of creativity all over the world, continues to call for entries in CREATIVE, BRANDING, DIGITAL, MEDIA, MARKETING SERVICE, MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS, CRAFT and MASS MEDIA contests. The final deadline is May 3. The entries will be evaluated by the international jury, outstanding representatives of creativity and communications industries, who have won numerous awards at prestigious international creativity festivals. White Square Festival 2024 jury will be announced in March, but already now we are pleased to present you the jury members and a series of interviews with them. Hope they will inspire you to participate at White Square 2024 and submit your best entries.

Today with us is the founder and owner of Wrage / Antwort, Folker Wrage. Folker proves that it’s possible to be a nice person after more than two decades in advertising. And also shows that there is life in this industry after age 40. Even 50, for that matter. Never does just one thing, so he also does consulting, teaching, sometimes even DJing. And learning, always. Earned his EMBA at the Berlin School of Creative Leadership, served as a judge of quite a few juries between Cannes and Batumi, always happy to jump on a stage and share some of the knowledge he collected over all those years in the creative industries. Unshakeable optimist and enthusiast, believer in democracy and humanity. Current professional passion: hacking AI for creative concept.    

According to your opinion, what role participation in creativity festivals and winning them plays for agencies and creative people from advertising industry today, in the era of global disruptions, rapid digitalization and the appearance of AI? 

The conference side of festivals will be increasingly important. Things are changing so quickly, AI is literally changing on a daily basis, and there will be more and faster developments in the future. In order to keep up with new trends, we need to meet, talk and learn, not just rely on what we find on the web. Festivals are the answer – here you see great work and you learn how it is done.

Projects with your participation have won numerous awards at prestigious international creativity festivals. Are there any cases among them that are most valuable to you, which brought inspiration to you during their creation? Can you tell us a little about them and why they are valuable to you?

Two things come to mind. At first, the early work I did in direct marketing, which prepared me for the digital age more than anything and taught me how to develop relevant creative ideas that win awards. Secondly, the campaign that I work on right now. We are pushing the possibilities of Midjourney beyond its primary purpose, doing things that they say it can't do. We are literally hacking it, and it's great fun.

You have judging experience at many international creativity festivals, and this year you will be judging the entries of White Square Festival. What new aspects would you like to see, what are the key criteria for evaluating projects for you?

In this day and age, I appreciate work that moves me, honest ideas that were created not to increase consumption but to increase happiness, improve lives, serve humanity. I want to see positivity in the entries.

It has always been trending at festivals to talk not only about the latest tendencies in advertising, but also about the values that brands translate, about social advertising and its role in commercial projects. What social values are most actively supported by brands in your country?

In our everyday lives we talk too much about what we don't want and what we hate. If you ask people what do they want, most of them will need to think really hard. To my opinion, that's very, very bad. We need to stop talking about what we are against. Brands need to help us think about what we want, what we love, what we aim for. Think positive, talk positive, act positive.

What inspires you for your work? Perhaps, hobbies, family, friends or colleagues?  

Life. Love. Learning

What would you like to wish to the participants of White Square Festival 2024?

Freedom, happiness and a bright future.

The main stage of entries submission is lasting till February 26, 2024. To learn more about the nominations and submit the entries White Square Festival on the official website.
